
Pimple or cold sore? How will you tell them apart?

Acne and cold sores have a lot in common. They tend to appear at the most inopportune time (like before a date!), can appear due to stress and are very difficult to cover.

Also, when they appear in the lip area they look very similar to view.

But their main difference is cause that causes them, therefore they need a different one treatment.

The causes

Common pimples are a result of skin inflammation due to clogged pores and bacterial infection. Hormones and diet also play a role in their appearance.

THE cold sores, on the other hand, is a result of herpes simplex virus (HSV) infection. This virus is transmitted by direct skin-to-skin contact between a healthy person and a person with an active infection, i.e. visible symptoms on their skin. Herpes cannot be eradicated, but remains in the body forever and has flare-ups and flare-ups. The most common triggers are stress, sun, fever and cosmetic procedures such as a laser treatment or a chemical peel.

The differences

THE view of rash on primary stage of its appearance helps to correctly distinguish between a simple pimple and cold sores.

Cold sores typically appear as a cluster from very small pimples filled with fluid at some point around the lips. It often causes numbness or a burning sensation. As the days go by, an open wound and then a thin crust (eschar) forms at the site of the rash.

Pimples don't show these changes - provided you don't bother them.

Watch out if the rash appears again and again exactly at the same point of the lips and only there. In this case, it is probably cold sores.

The treatment

Retinoids, salicylic acid and benzoic peroxide are particularly effective ingredients against pimples and their prevention. It is also recommended to use antibacterial face soap to keep the pores clear. As already mentioned above, there is no definitive cure for herpes, however a doctor may recommend treatment (oral or topical) to reduce the duration of symptoms.


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