
How to preserve juices for a long time without losing their vitamins

Juices can stay fresh in the refrigerator for a few days, but freezing them extends their shelf life by several months. There are some disadvantages of preserving juices in the freezer but the advantages are more.

Although freezing keeps juices safe indefinitely, quality begins to decline after a few months. Vitamins degrade during storage, and the longer they sit, the greater the loss. Frozen juices will lose 20 to 50% of vitamin C after one year. To keep the quality at a higher level, pack the juices in airtight thick plastic bags or freezer boxes and consume within three months.

To make your frozen juices more nutritious, start with fresh fruits and vegetables that have been picked a day or two before.

The nutritional value and quality of frozen juices when properly packaged and consumed immediately is quite high. Feel free to try.


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