
Coronavirus: Ways to maintain your mental health

Panic. Queues at supermarkets. Bad news everywhere. Toilet paper is an endangered species. What exactly is going on? How can we protect our psychological health?

Research has shown that constantly watching the news significantly affects your stress levels. What can help you maintain your psychological health?

He understood exactly what was happening 

It is important to understand exactly why there is destruction all over the world.

The reason there is destruction all over the world is not the dangerousness of the virus. Merkel said that 60%-80% of the German population could contract the virus. About 54 million people. Of these 80% will have mild symptoms. A 14% will manifest severe disease that will cause pneumonia. One 5% will be in critical condition and one 2% will die according to World Health Organization Statistics. That is, 1 million people will die and perhaps as many as 10 million people will need hospital care. What is the real problem? That Germany just doesn't have that many beds.

Conclusion: The disease is not particularly dangerous.

Naturally, strict measures make you feel at risk. The brain uncritically receives the emotion of fear. But the fear is not so much about your health. The measures exist because the health systems of each country cannot afford to support the few (percentage) unlucky ones who will need support. And in this the country needs our cool support.

Be selective in your reporting 

Avoid reading articles or listening to and watching news that cause you mental discomfort. The eye goes by itself, I know. The negative attracts us like a magnet. It is our heritage since we lived in caves. The people who managed to survive in a dangerous environment were the suspects. Those who saw danger everywhere were safer when there was danger.

Consequently today, countless studies have shown that we all tend to see the bad first. It pulls us in. It's human nature. It takes conscious effort to overcome it. So find out mainly about how you can take practical steps to protect yourself and your people. Prefer to be informed about the news once or twice a day. Anytime. Make a schedule and stick to it. It might be difficult for you. It takes conscious effort. He also gathered data from authoritative sources. Don't read every blog or social media as they often aim mainly for emotion and sensationalism and not always valid information.

Connect with other people (not in person!) 

Remember that in times of increased stress, connecting with other people provides opportunities for emotional release. Pursue communication with people you know you have a good connection with. Friends, people you love. Connect even online. The point is not to feel alone.

Find someone to take care of

Helping others saves you from the negatives of stress. In a study, published in the Journal of Public Health in 2013, they followed 846 people for 5 years. Before the research began they asked people how many traumatic events they had experienced (deaths, serious illnesses, imprisonments, divorces, financial disasters, etc.). They also asked how much time participants spent helping other people. Five years later, they checked which of the participants were still alive.

They found that for every traumatic event someone had experienced, the risk of dying increased by 30%. But not for those who helped other people. They were like a shot of anxiety. More specifically, they appeared to have exactly the same risk of mortality as those who did not experience any traumatic event.

Conclusion: Find someone to care for or help. You certainly have many who need you. You will protect yourself from the consequences of stress and the benefit will surely be yours too!

Source: Thriveglobal.gr

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