
Solar radiation-Learning the terms

The summer has arrived and we must be more careful than in winter. It is essential to know everything about her solar radiation so that you understand why and how you should protect yourself. If you don't know the dangers and are ignorant, you are not going to do anything. Excessive and unprotected exposure to the sun can cause burns, photoallergies, photodermatitis, freckles, solar hyperkeratosis, melanomas and more.

Solar radiation consists of UVA, UVB and UVC rays. While the latter do not penetrate the layers of the earth's atmosphere, UVA and UVB easily reach its surface.

  • The UVA  (A = aging) are rays capable of penetrating glass, clouds, clothes and skin. They correspond to 95% of ultraviolet radiation reaching the earth's surface.

They do not cause pain and can penetrate deep into the skin producing free radicals, which over time alter cells causing irreversible DNA damage. They are responsible for photoaging, pigmentation disorders and skin cancer.

  • The UVB rays (B=burning) make up the 5% of ultraviolet radiation that reaches the earth.

They do not penetrate glass or clouds. This type of radiation is responsible for tanning but also sunburn, allergic reactions and skin cancer since exposure to these rays has a cumulative effect.


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