
The power of orange on the skin and a super boosted DIY face firming lotion!

The Orange has the most vitamin C of all fruits and you might not know it but it helps to tone the skin.

It's the ultimate anti-aging fruit!

Don't forget to eat at least one orange every day and you won't lose!

You can also after eating the orange, keep the peels so that you can make yourself a tonic lotion at home that helps tighten the skin!

Toning lotion


  • peels of 3 oranges
  • 1 liter of water


Take the peels of three oranges and boil them in a liter of water, until they soften and for at least 20'.
Remove the water from the heat and set it aside for at least an hour until it cools down.
Place the tonic lotion you just made in a glass bottle and keep it in the fridge.


Three times a day, apply the lotion to your face using a cotton pad. It cleans, tones and tightens the skin and you will see a spectacular change.

Leave it on throughout the day. No need to wash it off!

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