Tingling on the feet. Treatment and treatment
The wart of the feet or wart of the soles is also called verruca. Ants on the feet appear only on the soles, are very sensitive and can be identified by the way
The wart of the feet or wart of the soles is also called verruca. Ants on the feet appear only on the soles, are very sensitive and can be identified by the way
Today I have a video for you from the past. It is worth checking out as you will see not only foot baths for sore and heavy feet but also various other tips that will
It may seem improbable, it may seem strange or even a lie to you, but it is completely true. I have heard this news for a long time but I didn't have you
You like pork very much. It contains more monounsaturated and polyunsaturated than saturated fatty acids. So this means that in the context of a healthy diet it reduces cholesterol levels and
Say it with a kiss that the song said too! Kissing may seem like a sign of romance, but believe it or not, it can give your love life a new boost. THE
Do you know which foods are good for the lungs and why? Antioxidants Fight the damage caused to the body by oxidative stress by consuming foods rich in antioxidants,
It all starts with calcium, an element important for the good condition of our skeleton, as well as the proper functioning of the muscles, the heart and the immune system. But as the
The matrix is a very sensitive part of the nail and if it is injured, nails cannot be produced with normal growth. It may sound strange to you, but there are not a few people who
Summer is the favorite season of UTI. Wet bathing suits, inappropriate beaches, swimming pools, shared toilets, dehydration are enough. Six out of ten women at some point in life
Chances are you who clicked and opened this article are sitting up and already freaking out just reading the title. You must know that she
Detoxification is a natural function that the body does on its own every day and every minute. But as often happens the day comes when the system gets tired.
That too passed. You ate, you drank a little more and now it's time to detox. With a little water, cucumber and lemon. Cucumber water is detoxifying and not only releases it