Make your own mouthwash
By following the recipe below you will make your own oral solution easily and simply. By using the essential oils of the recipe you will have a better oral solution than the commercial ones.
By following the recipe below you will make your own oral solution easily and simply. By using the essential oils of the recipe you will have a better oral solution than the commercial ones.
With this anti-aging oil that you will make yourself at home, you will see the imperfections disappear from the very first hours after application. You will need: 15 ml
And what woman doesn't want a smooth and clear face? If you're dealing with acne, don't look to expensive creams for the solution. Make the following mask yourself. I will
Revitalize and brighten your skin easily with an amazing mask that you will make yourself! Strawberries are a fruit with enormous nutritional value and vitamins and it has the
The anti-bacterial properties of cinnamon combined with yogurt and astringent clay go a long way in fighting acne. Try the recipe below. You will need: 5 drops
Your feet are sweating and you don't know how to deal with it. Take a foot bath with cold water to which you have added a few drops of lavender essential oil and 1 tsp.
Get relief from a toothache by simply dipping a cotton swab in clove oil and applying it directly to the affected area for 2-3 minutes. According to dentist Philip Stemmer from the Teeth Clinic
It is very important besides drinking water and eating well to keep your skin hydrated and elastic, to use some ingredients from the kitchen
Nutmeg has a variety of benefits and when applied topically to the skin, thanks to its antiseptic properties it can help reduce inflammation and acne as well as
Keep aside a small amount of your breakfast to make a mask that reduces the redness and pimples that bother you. Honey will add them
Orange gives shine and vitality to the skin, protects and strengthens the vascular plexus that oxygenates it, whitens, helps in collagen production while at the same time strengthening the skin's defense against infection
Its medicinal is geranium essential oil. This herb of the goddess Aphrodite is the most effective for cold sores. Use one to two drops of