Mint, dill and parsley for the best refreshing face & body spray
A very easy recipe that is made in a minute and revitalizes in... a second! A few simple ingredients, many good things for your skin. In fact, you can use the following spray even more
A very easy recipe that is made in a minute and revitalizes in... a second! A few simple ingredients, many good things for your skin. In fact, you can use the following spray even more
As we age, the skin loses its elasticity and gravity pulls down on the eyelids, causing them to droop. Small bags of fat appear making the eyes visible
Every summer you want to get a golden color but few of you think about your skin. In the following video you will see my tips for body care
Eyelashes are a very important part of the face that many of you ignore and do not give them proper care. In fact, they suffer a lot from makeup products and they don't
Collagen is a protein produced by the skin or other organs of the body and provides elasticity and smooth texture. It stimulates the skin with its action
You don't need to look for expensive ways to get the perfect smile. Just follow the steps below to ensure a smile that will
Your lips should be hydrated, juicy and shiny. They need special care. How about making your own moisturizing homemade lip gloss? Of course you should not forget
Thyme essential oil is warming and tonic, has strong antifungal and antibacterial properties and has been used since ancient times to strengthen hair. Apple cider vinegar is a wonderful cleanser and
You may shower, wear your deodorant every day, but the unpleasant smell of sweat is not going to go away. Don't panic. If you are one of those who don't
Are you facing the problem of hair loss? The only thing you shouldn't do is stress yourself out as you make the situation difficult. Use some herbs that will help you deal with it
Most of you rush to put on sunscreen when you are at the beach to protect yourself, but there are few of you who think that your skin needs care even after
This particular mask combines avocado, rich in vitamin E and carrots, with carotene and antioxidant activity. You will need: – 1 avocado melted – 1 carrot boiled in puree form – Half