Reduce wrinkles with an ice cube!
It's a bit strange to write you this advice in the middle of winter and the cold, but it's also what we say "go ahead, what's the pain"! This n
It's a bit strange to write you this advice in the middle of winter and the cold, but it's also what we say "go ahead, what's the pain"! This n
Wrinkles on the neck are quite annoying for women, so you have to prevent them before they appear and then you can't fight them. It is important except
The serums contain peptides that help strengthen collagen. It also contains antioxidants. They penetrate deeper than your average moisturizer. Make sure to use the serum before
It is the cosmetic that needs the most precision in dosage. Your measurement should be literally the pea - maybe a little less - for each of the eyes
Are you over 30 and starting to worry about your facial care? Your skin starts to age visibly from your late thirties, so
This treatment has results in rejuvenating the skin and ensuring elasticity. You will need: 2 ripe bananas Rose water Preparation: Make a mixture with one ripe banana by adding
It is a very good mask that you can do in the morning when you eat your breakfast since you will use exactly the same ingredients. Treats dehydration while at the same time
What we eat affects our skin either positively or negatively. I usually recommend foods that are good for you, such as fruits and vegetables. But you know which ones
In this article, I do not intend to "preach" you to quit smoking, nor to write you the problems it creates for your health. That's all
You've faced your first wrinkles and you're going to great lengths to cover them up. Still others just want to use this anti-wrinkle mask just for prevention. And a lot
This mask protects and neutralizes free radicals. Use it once a week and you will be amazed! You will need: ¼ tsp cinnamon powder 1 tsp honey 1 tsp.
With this anti-aging oil that you will make yourself at home, you will see the imperfections disappear from the very first hours after application. You will need: 15 ml