Tips to make your manicure last longer
You've had a manicure and before the mano has time to dry, you realize that a nail is damaged. Ugly but happens often to all of them. You may always wear gloves when doing them
You've had a manicure and before the mano has time to dry, you realize that a nail is damaged. Ugly but happens often to all of them. You may always wear gloves when doing them
Your manicure is starting to deteriorate and the polish is starting to fade and you realize that there is no acetone even for a sample! Do not despair! Heat water and put in a bowl.
Nail care is an essential part of women's beauty. Filing, sanding and the entire care process is important to be done correctly and with the right tools
Summer is here! Most of you will soon be on vacation and sunbathing on golden sands. Why not give your nails one too
You loved yesterday's theme and the designs I showed you with the nails that have gold, so it didn't take long for me to prepare the 2nd part. Below you will see plans with
Summer has arrived and the diving has begun! What I don't want you to forget is that on the beach you must be just as well-groomed as at any other time of the day.
Some performances were amazing, some were over the top and some left us speechless. Toiletries, shoes, accessories were much discussed. But what happened to the nails of the stars? Beyoncé Gigi
When you hear "French manicure" does the mind usually go to classic white? Not anymore! There are so many nice ideas, so many designs, all you need is a little imagination and a good mood. In
Let's see, step by step, how a manicure should be done, according to the expert of the genre, TETA. Step 1: We remove our nails, using acetone on cotton