Myth! Sugar-free soft drinks do not help with weight loss
So-called 'diet soft drinks' do not help with weight loss and are no healthier than their sugary counterparts according to research by an Imperial expert panel
So-called 'diet soft drinks' do not help with weight loss and are no healthier than their sugary counterparts according to research by an Imperial expert panel
From the very first moment we meet someone, we try to psych them up. There are small details in our behavior and habits that others use to understand it
In an Austrian study I read recently, researchers wafted orange and lavender scents near some participants while they filled out a questionnaire. These people felt afterwards
It is serious and should not be brushed aside. Have you ever noticed a rash on your cheeks? If so, you need to be careful with your cell phone, as it may
Wrinkles are not only a matter of beauty, they are also a sign of the passage of time and can show what is really going on inside your body. Based
The bitter truth for you men is that they don't just notice them, they draw conclusions from them. With the right shoe choices this can work in your favor. For
If you like spicy foods with red pepper, you may live longer. A new American scientific study associates the consumption of hot red pepper with a 13% reduction of
Research has shown that women who sit a lot – more than 10 hours daily – have an increased biological age of 8 years. The researchers tracked the movements of 1,481 older women
Smoking accelerates the aging of the skin and causes wrinkles both on the face and on other parts of the body. This effect can become apparent after 10
I read an article on today and wanted to share it with you. It is about an innovative test that predicts whether we will get sick due to old age. Age alone does not tell
Because of their high cholesterol content, eating eggs has been blamed for many health problems, but newer research reveals that eating eggs has little effect on cholesterol levels.
You want to quit smoking, you've tried everything and still haven't found the way. Set it as a goal for the new year 2017. According to research by British scientists,