
Eyeliner for all eye shapes!

One of every woman's favorite cosmetics. The eyeliner. The problem is that some of you don't know how to use it and you also don't know what line to draw according to the shape of your eyes. Time to find out. 

Macaroons: apply the eyeliner along the lash line to the outer corner of the eye or further out.

Round: apply the eyeliner in a very thin line from the middle of the eyelid and thicker towards the outside, rising slightly above the outer corner of the eye.

Small: apply the eyeliner in a very thin line, from the middle of the eyelid, along the lash line and draw it further outside the outer eye line.

Large: apply the eyeliner in a thick line, along the lash line to the outer corner of the eye.

Upwards: apply the eyeliner along the lash line to the outer corner of the eye.

Cathodes: apply eyeliner along the lash line to the middle of the lid and continue upwards to the outer corner of the eye or further out.

Eyelet: afloat the eyeliner in a very thin line, along the lash line.

Eyepiece: apply the eyeliner in a thick line, along the lash line to the outer corner of the eye.

Presbyopia: apply the eyeliner along the lash line, ending right at the outer corner of the eye.

Ophthalmology: apply the eyeliner from the middle of the lid, along the lash line and pull it further out from the outer corner of the eye.


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