Make your own shaving cream and finally the cuts!
With this shaving cream your legs will always be velvety and without razor cuts. You can make it yourself and without spending a lot of money. You will need:
With this shaving cream your legs will always be velvety and without razor cuts. You can make it yourself and without spending a lot of money. You will need:
It is one of the most popular vegetables of the Mediterranean diet and helps to keep the skin younger and safer against the sun and harmful external factors. Investigations
Is there a way to overcome minor health problems, such as a slight burn, without medication? Of course! Have you ever thought that a potato could be your medicine? If not weather
After a long day, this refreshing peppermint and spearmint cream is the best to soothe your sore and tired feet. You will need: – 2 teaspoons
Summer is approaching and we all want to go to the beach and already have that nice chocolate color from the very first bath. The best and safest way to
Obviously we all know that. Chamomile is a plant whose properties are very beneficial for humans and have been known since ancient times. The infusion but also the
Leek is a very popular vegetable that we use in cooking and it belongs to the onion and garlic family. It is rich in nutrients, it consists of 90% of water and
A problem that torments many of you. In fact, now that summer is coming, it comes to your mind more and more. "Cellulite". a word that scares you and not without reason. Today, Thursday,
Many studies have focused on the role of water in weight loss. According to an earlier study (presented at an American Chemical Society conference), two glasses of water before each meal are linked
"How much should I weigh for my height?" A question that often concerns us. However, we must take into account that the ideal weight of a person can be completely
Swollen and heavy legs are a common condition. I have written you what you should do to deal with the problem in natural ways. But what happens when the problem
There are not a few of you who sit countless hours on the beaches. Some, not only do you not take care of your hydration but also of your sun protection. Sunbathing