5 tips from Teta to get a lion's mane!
I think one of the most impressive parts of a woman is her hair. These are what will catch the eye at first along with the overall image. So I'm giving you some tips that undoubtedly help your image and above all the health of your hair!
1. Always choose masks with natural products. Choose argan or flaxseed oil to prevent hair loss.
2. Stop smoking, nicotine settles in the roots of our hair, favoring hair loss.
3.We don't prefer excessive exposure of our hair to the sun (whether it's summer or another season) because it weakens the hair.
4. Scalp friendly shampoo is used, mostly organic. They are not heavy shampoos with very strong cleaning agents.
5. When you notice an increase in daily normal hair loss, or when your hair breaks or is dry, you can take some supplements that do not burden your body. These can be vitamins A, E and B, cystine, iron or zinc.
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