
5 tips to activate your metabolism

As we grow older o metabolism is slowing down. Activate your metabolism with the following tips.

  • Exercise before breakfast

Exercising before breakfast is not only a great way to wake up, but also to fire up your metabolism.

  • Include vegetables in your breakfast

A bowl of vegetables may not be the most appetizing choice for breakfast, but the good protein and healthy fats will keep you full for the rest of the day.

  • Eat breakfast when you're hungry

It is not necessary to eat breakfast at 8 am if you do not feel hungry. Studies have shown that after a 13-hour fast, many genes that regulate metabolism are positively affected.

  • Allow 5 hours to pass until the next meal

Within 5 hours your body will be able to burn the fat of the last meal. But if you eat snacks in between, such as fruit, cereal bars, etc., your body will choose to use carbohydrates for energy and not fat.

  • Dinner should be the smallest meal of the day

We need most of our food during the day when we are most active. By reducing your portion size and starting your overnight fast early, you allow your body to start burning fat and reap the metabolic benefits of time.


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