
4 steps to get the perfect hair!

Whatever hairstyle and if you like it, whatever haircut you have chosen, if the hair you are not healthy, nothing can be done.

Its quality hair it is important that it is very good in order to achieve the perfect hair!

"It's all about a healthy scalp that you should always take care of," say the experts!

What should you do to have a healthy and perfect hair!

Watch out for the water

Environmental conditions and water quality depending on the area you live in play an important role. Make sure not to bathe with hot water while you must also use the necessary products that combat any dryness.

Scalp massage is essential

Most people underestimate the importance of scalp massage and how important it is. A gentle scalp massage every day can help significantly. If you're tired of doing it yourself, come to Teta Beauty Salon, at least once a week for a good wash!

Do to your head what you do to your face

Your scalp is just an extension of your facial skin, but it ages six times faster. This means that you should prioritize taking care of it for good hair health as you grow older.

Of course, don't do scrubs and such treatments. Remove the dead cells with a product that will be recommended to you at the hairdresser.

Proper bathing

It's the age old question: how much should we really wash our hair? There is certainly no right answer to this question and experts believe that regular bathing is necessary. The general rule is that if you have oily or thin hair, you should wash more often than if you have dry and dehydrated or thicker hair.
So make sure you wash your hair according to its needs. This is something you will see for yourself. If you think they don't need bathing, don't do it and wait until you see that they do.

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