
10 steps to maintain our pedicure from Teta


Now that the weather is opening up and we are slowly starting to wear spring shoes, our toes have their due. If we've had a pedicure recently, I give you 10 tips on how to do a proper maintenance on pedicure you and get a beautiful result.

#1. We start by peeling off our nails to remove the polish residue from our nails.

#2. We give our feet a foot bath using a basin, warm water, 3 drops of lavender essential oil and 2 teaspoons of baking soda. If we don't want to, add some salt, preferably from the Dead Sea because they soothe, clean and refresh the skin.

#3. We cut our nails short.

#4. We give a "round square" shape to our nails, with a file always keeping it straight on the nail and file. Buffer the edges.

#5. We push the cuticles with a wooden stick wrapped in cotton carefully so as not to cause a wound.

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#6. Cut with tweezers the skins that we have lifted with the stick. Be careful, we cut and do not pull the cuticles, because otherwise we will cause a wound and possible infection.

#7. We go over the entire surface of the nail with a buffer and a polishing file.

#8. Rub it with a rasp or pumice stone heel us and the area under the fingers. If we have a problem with hardenings, we do nothing and turn to a specialist.

#9. Dry the fingers and the area around the nails very well with the help of a hair dryer or spray them with alcohol since the alcohol absorbs all the moisture.

#10. We put cream all over the area of the sole and we pass if we want a dynamizing base and varnish of our choice depending on the mood and the prevailing fashion.

The pedicure it's ready for us. We don't do more than we can. If something bothers us, we always turn to the girl who knows our nails and takes care of them for us.




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