Psoriasis: What to do to keep your confidence from falling
Sometimes the treatment of it psoriasis it brings great emotional changes. In addition to the itchiness and sensitivity caused by the condition, you may feel uncomfortable with its appearance and worry about the reactions of others.
So it's no surprise that people with psoriasis sometimes feel anxious, depressed, ashamed or embarrassed about their condition, and that these feelings have a negative impact on their lives.
Boosting self-confidence
Ultimately, self-esteem reflects what is happening on an emotional level. You are more likely to be concerned about the appearance of your skin when you don't feel good about yourself and for other reasons. So boosting your confidence can go a long way.
Feeling embarrassed and ashamed about psoriasis is completely normal, but that doesn't mean you have to put up with it.
Confidence means self-esteem and acceptance of yourself as you are. Psoriasis is only a small part of your appearance, and appearance is only a small part of your personality. So try to see yourself from a wider perspective. You have many positive traits. Beyond your physical appearance, your charm, your intelligence, your kindness and your sense of humor define you much more.
By thinking in these terms, you will stop focusing too much on your outward appearance and start seeing things in their true dimensions.
Try to stay positive
It's very important for your self-esteem to stay positive, and not just because you'll control negative thoughts. If we always focus on the negative side of a situation, it triggers bad feelings about what is happening, which in turn can lead to even more harmful thoughts.
Therefore, try to stay positive with yourself and those around you. Of course, it's easy to say and hard to do, but there are techniques that can help you maintain a positive attitude, such as:
• Focus on what you like about yourself.
Look in the mirror every morning and remind yourself that you have a great smile or that you are good at making other people laugh. Then, if you later have a negative thought about psoriasis, you can consciously choose to remind yourself of some of your many positive attributes.
• Discover mood factors.
Identify what makes you feel positive and fills you with energy. It could be your friends, a football match, a romantic comedy or the dance. Whatever you like to do, try to incorporate it more into your daily life.
Feeling embarrassed and ashamed about psoriasis is completely normal, but that doesn't mean you have to put up with it.
If the simple advice we give you and the support of your friends and family are not enough and you still feel stressed and depressed, it is a good idea to consult your doctor. They will be able to help you or refer you to a specialist. You should not accept these feelings as part of living with psoriasis.
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