Balsam oil and its uses!
Balsam oil is healing and anti-inflammatory either as an oil or in creams. We can use it externally, on our skin and internally, as long as it is of good quality and the necessary hygiene rules have been observed.
It accelerates the relief of irritations and inflammations, the healing of wounds and wounds, minor burns and sunburns, skin diseases and varicose veins, but also for bruises.
Also poultices with crushed leaves, heal bruises, bites, burns, wounds, abrasions.
It is suitable for hemorrhoids, applying with a piece of cotton.
For earaches: we can drip a few drops of lukewarm balm into our ears or put a piece of cotton soaked in balm into our ears for 1-2 hours. Caution! The piece of cotton should not be too small so that it can come out easily! Optionally, we can add 1-2 drops of lavender essential oil in the amount of balm we will use (about a teaspoon) and heat it a little, until it becomes warm (when we touch it, it should feel warm, but not burn ).
It can be used for gum problems, smeared inside the mouth.
The decoction, (1 teaspoon of dried flowers and twigs, in 1 teacup of hot water), is a balm for the digestive, stomach, liver and all associated ailments, especially ulcers and jaundice.
But most importantly, it is also considered a balm for the soul, since it is believed to help treat depression.
It is also emmenagogic, hemostatic and against swamp fevers.
Because balsam oil can cause photosensitivity, do not use before sun exposure. Preferably use in the evening.
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