Propolis for the flu
It's about resin which comes from the buds and bark of certain trees and is collected by worker bees, who add their salivary secretions and use it to coat the interior of the hive. The properties of propolis are many: antiseptic, antibiotic, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral. Research shows that, among other things, it acts effectively against the Candida fungus, as well as respiratory infections (e.g. colds, flu), but also against specific strains of bacteria that have developed resistance to antibiotics. Unlike common antibiotics, its long-term use does not lead to the creation of resistant strains of pathogenic microorganisms, while its parallel administration with antibiotics reduces the damage caused by the latter.
Usually, it is recommended to consume about 1 g. of raw propolis per day. The doctor, however, is the one who decides the recommended dosage. On the market we find propolis in pharmaceutical preparations (mainly in tablets and tincture).
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