Towels that musk in 3 steps!
And what housewife doesn't want the towels to be musked!
But this does not always happen. Very often, towels retain their moisture and become anything but smelly, even though they have just been washed!
How do you manage to have scented towels?
- Initially when we wash towels we do not overload our bucket. If the bin is full, our water, detergent and fabric softener will not be able to go everywhere and so the towels will not be able to be washed or rinsed well!
- Before we collect our towels, we check that they have dried very well! If they are not completely dry when folded and stored, the moisture they will have "retained" will create unpleasant smells.
- Beware of storage! It is good not to store our towels in places where there are water vapors and humidity like our bathroom, but even if we have no space other than the bathroom, we have in mind to keep them in a cupboard or a drawer!
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