
World Smile Day: The 7 benefits of laughter for your health

It was such a simple thing: a circle with two dots and a curved line. How could Harvey Ball have imagined that when he designed this simple thing, he had just created one of the most iconic symbols in the history of the planet.

Harvey Ball's smile spread everywhere, from street graffiti to the modern technology of emojis and emoticons. Harvey later expressed concern that overtly commercializing the symbol he created would take it away from its original intent and meaning.

It was out of this concern that he came up with the idea of World Smile Day, a day dedicated to spreading simple joy and love to everyone, regardless of race, gender and geographic location.


Teta Beauty Salon

7 benefits that laughter offers to your health

Laughter brings people closer, even if they are complete strangers to each other. What you may not know is that laughter has been linked to specific human health benefits.

Find out what they are, according to Dr Lee Berk and Dr Stanley Tan from the University of Omaha in California, USA.

1. Laughter lowers blood pressure

People who lower their blood pressure, even those who start at normal pressure levels, will also reduce their risk of stroke and heart attack.

2. Laughter lowers stress hormone levels

By reducing the level of stress hormones, in addition to your mental health, you also improve the efficiency of your immune system.

3. Laughter exercises the abdominal muscles

When we laugh the muscles in the stomach expand and contract in a similar way when we do abdominal exercises.

4. Laughter improves heart health

Laughter is good exercise, especially for those who are unable to do other physical activity due to injury or illness. It gets the heart rate up and burns a similar amount of calories per hour as walking at a slow to moderate pace!

5. Laughter boosts T-cells

T-cells are specialized cells of the immune system that lie dormant in your body until they are activated. When you laugh, you activate T-cells, which immediately begin to help the body fight disease.

6. Laughter causes the release of endorphins

Endorphins are the body's natural painkillers. By laughing, you can release endorphins, which help reduce chronic pain and make you feel better above all.

7. Laughter brings you a general sense of well-being

Doctors have found that people who have a positive outlook on life tend to fight disease better than those who tend to be more negative and pessimistic.


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