Factors that increase sexual urges
To open this article you are one of those who are interested in knowing what these factors are that increase the sexual urges. So let's see.
- Adequate dietary cholesterol: Cholesterol is a powerful antioxidant found in animal foods, but it is also produced in your body. Your liver is estimated to make 80% of the cholesterol you need, but 20% comes from the foods you eat.
- A diet high in fat-soluble vitamins:
-Vitamin A: Liver, egg yolks, cod liver oil, whole milk products
-Vitamin D: Sunlight, egg yolks, full-fat dairy products, fatty fish, beef liver, cod liver oil
-Vitamin E: Avocado, egg yolks, liver
-Vitamin K2: Butter, egg yolks, liver, cheese
- Adequate calorie and carbohydrate diets:
Thyroid health depends on adequate nutrition, especially adequate calories and carbohydrates. The good health of ithyroid is the best way to regulate libido and have satisfying orgasms.
- Diets high in protein: In this waythe liver helps your thyroid function optimally.
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