This drink will improve your sex life
And yet there is a "magic" elixir that can assure you that you will get rid of the frequent erectile dysfunction!
According to a study by the University of Texas, coffee can skyrocket your endurance and performance in the bedroom! More specifically, the research concludes that men who drink two to three cups of coffee a day – or who consume 85 to 170 mg of caffeine from other drinks (eg energy drinks) – are 42% less likely to have erectile dysfunction than those who consume up to 7mg of the stimulant daily. Those who drink four to seven cups, on the other hand, are 39% less likely to experience problems with their erections. The above applies to overweight, obese and hypertensive men, but not to those suffering from diabetes, which often causes problems in the bedroom.
So what makes coffee super effective in such cases? Scientists claim that the stimulant causes a series of reactions in the body that ultimately increase blood flow to the penis.
Coffee dates just got a whole new meaning…
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