
How to wear mascara correctly

Many of you though dye yourself years, you still can't get it right mascara you because quite simply you have learned the wrong way. So what are the right steps?

Step 1: We move the brush right and left at the base of the eyelashes. The mascara that is at the roots - and not at the ends - is what gives the illusion of length.

Step 2: We spread it upwards, making sure that the brush goes between the eyelashes, so that it separates them. Two to three layers are enough.

Step 3: This step is overlooked by most women: close your eyes and use the brush on your lashes, removing any mascara bits that may be left on your lashes.

Useful tips

  • Moisturize your lashes with a little Vaseline so they absorb the mascara better.
  • Before applying the mascara, put a little powder on your lashes so that unsightly clumps don't form.
  • Never sleep with mascara on your eyes because your eyelashes will fall out. Put some oil on a special make-up remover cotton and with gentle movements, slowly remove the paint from your eyes.
  • If you have very long eyelashes wait 5-10 seconds before blinking your eyes until the mascara dries well.
  • If you are brunette choose to wear the classic black mascara, if you are blonde choose to wear a brown mascara.


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